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man of birds world

Patron and Parent of Birds: Salim Ali

man of birds world

सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali (12 November 1896 – 20 June 1987)

Rustling of green leaves up on trees
crackling of yellow leaves down the bed of trees
make the birds feel someone has come
listen to them and talk to them
with unified soul and common goal
to enrich the ecology for one and all
the creature in human-form looking slim and tall
Salim Ali is his name the immortal call.
Born to mother zeenat-un-nissa and father Moizuddin
father departed when he was just one and mother when he was only three
teenager salim grew as the lover of sport-shooting
he killed a yellow throated innocent sparrow charged with childish-passion
turning point was this moment so the nature became his guide with pious-intention.
Tirelessly he toiled for the preservation and conservation of birds
thus became he the active member of birds-family itself country-wide
informally the greatest ornithologist and the pioneering one in Bharat
emerging as the “one man army” the protector and creator of trees and forests
championing the cause of bio-diversity the biggest concern of today
sharing the “global-goal” with Saint Barbe Baker the mother earth’s soul
who identified mother earth’s healthy skin with abundance of trees and forests
fighting the ignorance of “political-class” with his undying zeal until last.
The first “well wisher of birds” in Bharat of immense repute
alike saint Barbe Baker the planet’s sole practical spokesman for trees
both struggled against violence directly and indirectly upon nature
as Mahatma Gandhi did vehemently upon humans to brighten the future
all these three are thus our revered teachers and preachers
let’s rise above all prejudices in time and save the earth our ultimate creator and inventor.

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