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UNO must free Tibet from the cruel clutches of China now



B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Restructuring of UNO inevitable to discipline maoist-dragon

China’s wild-hunger for territorial expansion is demonic in size.World leaders must sit across the table rising above petty political, geo-political and economic motives and hit the ultra-aggressive dragon’s eye. For time-being individual national interests must be put on the backburner. Spirit of international-unity and essence of true brotherhood ought to prevail. An international organization in the form of United Nations does exist physically but it lacks much needed lubricant of internationalism to keep its various organs to functioning in harmony. In the first place, in order to make this premier-body lively, its security-council needs immediate re-structuring particularly regarding permanent membership as its centre of gravity is out of line of symmetry. Its atomic structuring must be done in such a way that no country in the world shall dare to indulge even in imaginations pertaining to imperialist tactics alike China. Leading fifty countries or so must generate the expenses of the world-organization in toto whose economies are viable and big. Ways to make the world forum reasonable and justified must be discovered otherwise “might is right” based international order shall keep the inter-national scene topsy-turvy and whimsical.
On the format of UNO, how does one country called China can keep another one completely innocent and sovereign country like Tibet its slave in the ongoing 21st century. World leaders must seriously study the history of Tibet which they have not done yet. Tibet is the litmus-test for UNO and its organs to get through or it should declare itself null and void in context of its well-defined aims and goals. The world leaders never forget to condemn in the strongest possible terms to Hitler but at the same time they choose to ignore conveniently China’s gross Hitelerism on the world’s one of the most peaceful countries like Tibet. China’s mindset is like that of a habitual offender of international-codes who often thinks single-mindedly unfortunately empowered with permanent membership of the security council of UNO. Its sinister-designs operating in South China-sea amounts to international-hooliganism in real sense of the term and it is equally awesome to observe so called global leaders opting to pindrop-silence.
Beyond the limited role of America so far in the South China sea raising voice against China, its Asia sensitive maritime region in particular and that of the world’s in general regarding trade; it is the flashpoint too and of course a striking eye-opener to the world that how irresponsible and illogical china could be for its hegemony over the world. World has to ponder-over the sinister-designs of China claiming to be overlord of South China Sea and through it trying to fulfil its over-ambitious reachout to the whole Indian Ocean eventually mastering strategic points upto African continent and around. Countries like Thailand, Combodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines and others encircling the South China Sea must put up joint resistance against China’s blind Maoist force raising a South-China Sea specific all time umbrella-organization with echoing legitimate voice in respective organs of UNO. UNO’s freezing silence over Tibet’s shocking helplessness and South China Sea’s growing complexity owing to China’s imperialism are the two unfortunate simmering volcanic spots where perhaps outdated UNO has apparently surrendered itself to China.
Without the graceful lubricant of the spirit of universal brotherhood the UNO’s machinery can not function smoothly. UNO must resort to its soul-searching campaign which is exclusively an internal exercise inevitably required to meet out its world-obligations efficiently. UNO fails to contain strengthening anti-peace march of China owing to its faulty mechanical and philosophical inbuilt. What to talk of other major issues like global-warming and changing of seasons displaying their horrible consequences world-over. China’s active support to Jihadistan (Pakistan) who is an Islamic country perhaps the only one at present which is sweetly in “hands in gloves” with international terrorism is one more ugly face of it which convincingly suggest that it can even dare to destabilize another historically peaceful country like Bharat (India) to quench its thirst of imperialism. Oh! world leaders be sober and sensitive-enough, we all are one and represent our mother-earth together. Let’s weave up the UNO afresh to make it a justice-loving world forum unlike what is it today and solve the international problems one by one to really ensure the eco-friendly and human-friendly co-existence of all irrespective of small and big.

                                                                                                                             -जय भारत

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